Rachel Corruthers & Halloween in General


Hi everybody! Welcome to The Rachel Corruthers and Halloween in General Homepage; one of the oldest Halloween sights on the web...and unlike some of my time-honored "competitors" from "the good old days", this sight is not only still up...it's thriving! (And believe me, no one is more shocked about it than I am!!!!)

That said, I feel introductions are in order. I am your humble host, J. Smith, and I will be your guide into the depths and gutters of your favorite series and mine, Halloween. Now, despite...small gaps...this page is updated. Special thanks go out to JH, Jason, Kip, and Paul Smith for inspiration. Double Scoops for all!

Yours Truly,

J. Smith

p.s. Don't forget to check out my review of Halloween: Resurrection, to see what *I* think of the movie, and where this series if going!

Now it's time to Explore the Magical World of the Rachel Corruthers and Halloween in General Homepage!!

WWAR NEWS: See what's up with my page!
My Halloween Epic: **NEW!!!** Check out my HalloweeN Novel! It took forever, but it was worth it!
Marion Chambers' Links!: Check out these GREAT pages!
The Ellie Cornell Worship Page!: Written by Yours Truly!
The Tina Williams HATE page: I guess if my sight will be remembered for anything, it'll probably be this. This crack whore's page gets a new pic!
The Molly Cartwell Yawn Page:Check out my "tribute" to the sleeping Zombie that IS Molly!
Rach's 3rd Page!: My spoofy-version of Halloween 8...which has morphed into a GREAT epic story by JH over at the Halloween Fanfiction Sight. Here, you can see it's roots. :)
Rach's 4th Page: A Comprehensive Guide to Halloween
Rach's 5th Page: The Truth is Out There...
Rach's 6th Page!: Halloween Rules!
Halloween: My review of the Classic!
Halloween II: My Review of the Second!
Halloween 4: My Review of the 4th!
Halloween 5: My review of the 5th!
Halloween 6: My review of the 6th! Plus the infamous Producer's Cut!
Halloween: H20: My review of the 7th!
Halloween: Resurrection: It's come to this, folks...my review of the 8th...
Halloween 2: The TV EDIT:My review of the television version of Halloween 2!
Your Halloween!: Cast your opinion about Halloween!
Nitpics/Halloween 8: Loads of commentary and nit-picks...the H8 debate is now over...EVERYBODY LOSES!
New Halloween Pix Page 1: I have never before seen on the net Halloween pix!
New Halloween Pix page 2: Actually, these are pix of PJ Soles in Rock and Roll High School, but I took them!
TimeLine: A handy guide to the confusing timeline.
Drawings: Click here for actual drawings I made of several random Halloween characters. Pay no attention to the Miss Piggy wannabe.

Yooo!!...Tell me who you are, who you really really are!!!

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